Options took home the Following Awards from the 710 Showdown

- 1st in Shatter: The Winning Shatter: Grapefruit Sour Diesel x Ghost OG x Cookies 'n Dream,
processed by CSC

- 2nd in Shatter: The 2nd Place Shatter: Item 9 (92 OG x Ghost OG x Cookies 'n Dream), processed
by Nomad

- 2nd in Wax: The 2nd Place Wax: Gorilla Glue #4 x Cookies 'n Dream, processed by CSC

- 2nd in Disposable Vape: Second place disposable vape was made in house at our MIP under the
brand Potions that we will be rolling out more products with in the future (syringes, distillate cartridges, etc). Used distillate oil that was extracted and processed from our own in house
flower and added blueberry terpenes.
Expansion Grow
All of the Flower came from the first round of our expansion grow that we just finished building
out. Lights used were BLI 315w CDL's with LED attachments around the outer edges to give as
wide of a light spectrum to the plants as possible. Every strain in the grow is a new strain that we
popped by seed to ensure that the plants are as healthy as possible. Some were strains created by
our head grower (he created the 3 winning concentrate ones) and some were strains purchased
from other breeders in Colorado. The next round of flower from this grow should be hitting our
stores very soon. Visit Options to try our award-winning Shatter, Wax and Disposable Vapes!