You already know about THC and CBD, but it’s time to learn more about the different cannabinoids in marijuana. Cannabichromene, or CBC for short, is one you’re likely to hear a lot about in the near future. It doesn’t get nearly as much attention as CBD or THC does, but we’re learning more every day about how all of the cannabinoids work together.

The Science of CBC Cannabinoids

To dive deeper into what CBC is, it’s important to take a quick look at the science of cannabis. CBC comes from cannabigerolic acid, which is often known simply as CBGa. Enzymes can convert CBGa into cannabichromene (CBC) or cannabichromene carboxylic acid (CBCa). CBCa can still get decarboxylated and become CBC, just as THCa is decarboxylated with heat to become active THC. There’s no need to get deeper into the chemistry at this point, so we’ll end our science lesson there and focus on the actual benefits of CBC. 

Understanding CBD More Simply

You can use what you already know about THC and CBD to understand the other cannabinoids more completely without diving into chemistry and biology. For example, you already know that THC has psychoactive properties, and it’s the reason cannabis can create the intoxicating effects of being high. CBD, on the other hand, doesn’t offer psychoactive effects, but it’s known for inspiring a general sense of wellness. Even though these two cannabinoids are the rock stars in the cannabis plant, there are over 100 other known cannabinoids supporting CBD and THC.

To stick with the rock star analogy, THC and CBD are like John and Paul from the Beatles. Everyone knows them and loves them, and their unique personalities are clearly reflected in all of the group’s work. CBC is like Ringo. He’s not the most famous in the group, doesn’t get as much love as those at the front of the stage, and sometimes you can’t even see him back there behind his drum kit. Still, though, the White Album wouldn’t be possible without the balanced rhythm he provided.

All of the cannabinoids in cannabis, like the members of a legendary band, have to work together in concert (pun intended) to create something that makes the fans go wild and stands the test of time. The presence of other cannabinoids and terpenes will help THC and CBD shine brighter than they could on their own, and this is called the entourage effect.

What Is the Entourage Effect?

John and Paul were able to shine more completely with the Beatles than they could on their solo albums, and cannabinoids also perform differently depending on the entourage they bring with them. Different strains often lend themselves to different experiences, even when they have almost the same levels of THC. The presence of CBC in premium cannabis strains could be remarkable for a variety of reasons:

  1. One study concluded that the “combination of CBC and THC leads to enhanced tetrad and anti-inflammatory actions.” They further noted a potentially “additive relationship between the anti-inflammatory effects of CBC and THC.” This seems to indicate that strains with higher levels of CBC may be preferable for those who buy cannabis after experiencing discomfort or edema (swelling).
  2. A rodent-based study of non-psychoactive cannabinoids concluded that “CBD and CBC stimulated descending pathways of antinociception and caused analgesia by interacting with several target proteins involved in nociceptive control.” In more relatable terms, analgesia is defined as the inability to feel pain.
  3. Another study on rodents found that “the cannabinoids cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabinol (CBN) did not produce antidepressant-like actions up to 80 mg/kg in the mouse FST, while cannabichromene (CBC) and cannabidiol (CBD) exhibited significant effect at 20 and 200mg/kg, respectively.” Further studies on this topic may provide interesting information for anyone who smokes cannabis to unwind or who is prescribed medical marijuana for a stress disorder.
  4. Cannabis products are starting to earn their place in skincare routines, and this study might explain why. “CBC, CBDV, and especially THCV show promise to become highly efficient, novel anti-acne agents. Moreover, based on their remarkable anti-inflammatory actions, phytocannabinoids could be efficient, yet safe novel tools in the management of cutaneous inflammations,” the researchers report.

Buy High CBC Strains in Denver

Most companies don’t make products with a lot of CBC yet, but you can find this fascinating cannabinoid in many of your favorite strains. Research the strains on our online dispensary menus,  or talk to a budtender when you visit either of our dispensaries in Wheat Ridge or Boulder. We’ll help you find premium cannabis that contains a lot of cannabinoids including CBC. Place your order today to start exploring more strains.

An unrolled joint filled with cannabis flower lays on a wooden table at Options Cannabis Company

While there are numerous ways of enjoying marijuana, rolling a cannabis joint remains popular among many users. Rolling a joint offers multiple benefits ranging from affordability to longevity. Besides, joints are highly portable if you plan to spend the day out. Ensure that you create joints that burn smoothly and evenly.

To roll a joint, you need to put together essential materials, including:

How to Roll a Joint

Grind your Plant

The first step in rolling a joint is to break apart the cannabis. Trying to put the full bud might damage the paper. You can use a grinder or hand to break up the plant. The grinder prevents your hands and the paper from getting sticky.

Ensure that you grind up your cannabis finely to remove any lumps when you start rolling. A grinder helps you create a consistent size and texture, providing a more even smoke. Grinding will ease rolling and ensure that your joint burns evenly.

Create a filter and the crease

If you don’t want marijuana flowers in your mouth, you might need to take this optional step. Fold the crutch that comes with joint papers accordion-style, in either the shape of an M or a V, before rolling it up. Be sure to roll the crutch to your desired thickness. The crutch lets you enjoy your pot without burning your fingertips. Your smoke shop can sell pre-made crutches that you can use as the joint’s mouthpiece.

You’ll also need to know how to roll paper before adding anything. Fold the paper in half with the glue strip facing inward. Then, create the line where you will place the weed carefully.

Place Pot in your paper

With the paper in place, you need to start rolling. Spread your ground flower along the crease with the paper held on one side. Be sure to spread the flower evenly to prevent it from overstuffing. Place the filter at the end of the rolling paper while placing your flower in the paper. If you want a cone joint, sprinkle less weed close to the mouthpiece and more towards the tip.

Roll the joint

Once you fill the paper, it is time to start rolling. Pinch the paper with your fingertips and move it gradually back and forth. Keep it slow and steady to ensure that you achieve the perfect shape. This gradual movement will create your paper’s cone shape. If you are looking for a simple process, shape the joint before rolling it.

Seal the Joint

Place your thumbs on the joint’s front with your fingers on the back. Keep rolling to even it out. Tuck the paper into the joint’s unglued side, then lick the other joint’s side slightly to seal it, and you’ll be good to go. Start with the crutch side because it will ease how the paper rolls around itself.

Pack the joint

If one joint’s end is loose, pack it with more weed. Then, use a stick or key to fill the marijuana down tight in the paper. Use a trim stick or your shoelace’s tip to pack it if you are on the go. Properly packing the joint ensures that you get a nice even smoke.

Twist the top, light it up, and enjoy

Once you pack the flower to your liking, twist the top to ensure that everything remains intact. Ensure that you rotate your paper if you don’t light it up immediately. Your joint is now ready to use.

Need Help Rolling a Joint?

At Options Medical Center, we have multiple joints that guarantee the best deals in the state. We offer numerous strains that can fill your cannabis joint. Check out our daily specials or contact us to learn more!

Image Source: sergiew / Shutterstock

People in the wellness community buy essential oils from bergamot to lavender for a variety of reasons. Here in Colorado, cannabis oil is another option. Medical marijuana patients and adult-use cannabis consumers alike can buy cannabis oil at their local dispensaries. We’re regularly learning more about the benefits of cannabis as scientists and researchers continue to conduct studies throughout the world. Already, cannabis oil is a popular product because of its ability to conveniently deliver accurate levels of cannabinoids.

What Is Cannabis Oil?

Cannabis oil may refer to any of a variety of products produced by extracting the most desirable natural compounds from cannabis. When you look for cannabis oil on your local dispensary’s menu, you may find concentrates, tinctures, vape cartridges, and more. These products have all been produced by state of the art processes that extract cannabinoids and terpenes from cannabis plant material. Start by understanding exactly what’s in cannabis oil that makes it so desirable:

Why Do People Buy Cannabis Oil?

Adult-use (also known as recreational use) cannabis consumers in Colorado are allowed to buy cannabis oil for many reasons (as long as they meet the age requirement of 21 years). Many of our customers choose these products for strictly recreational purposes, but some people also buy cannabis oil for medical purposes if they hold a valid MMJ card from Colorado. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has identified several debilitating or disabling qualifying conditions for medical marijuana cards in Colorado:

Cannabis Oil for Cancer Patients

The American Cancer Society reports that multiple studies have found cannabis helpful for cancer patients who experience nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy. Additionally, the organization reports, “marijuana can be helpful treatment of neuropathic pain (pain caused by damaged nerves).” 

Cannabis Oil for Pain

There is some information about cannabis and pain in the same article from the American Cancer Society. Specifically, the nationwide health organization stated that studies show people tend to need less pain medication when they take marijuana extracts.

Cannabis Oil for Nausea

Authors from the British Journal of Pharmacology released research about the regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids. “Considerable evidence demonstrates that manipulation of the endocannabinoid system regulates nausea and vomiting in humans and other animals,” they say.

Cannabis Oil for Seizures

Of all the benefits of cannabis oil, this may have the most scientific backing. Even the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of cannabinoids to help regulate seizures.

Cannabis Oil for Muscle Spasms

A study called “Cannabinoids in the Management of Spasticity Associated With Multiple Sclerosis” examines the potential benefits of cannabis for muscle spasms. While their research was specific to MS, the study’s abstract states, “An increasing body of evidence suggests that cannabinoids have beneficial effects on the symptoms of MS, including spasticity and pain.

Cannabis Oil for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Researchers conducted an observational study to determine the effects of CBD-enriched cannabis sativa extract on autism spectrum disorder symptoms. Though only 15 patients adhered to the treatment, the scientists found, “only one patient showed a lack of improvement in autistic symptoms.”

Cannabis Oil for PTSD

Researchers from the Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience note that there is sparse data about the link between cannabinoids and PTSD. Still, they said, “There have been indications that cannabis or some of its components, primarily THC and CBD, diminish particular symptoms of PTSD.” 

Cannabis Oil for Glaucoma

Since at least 1971, studies like this one have found the consumption of cannabis to lower intraocular pressure (IOP). Unfortunately, doctors also note that consuming cannabis inconsistently throughout the day can lead to unstable fluctuations in IOP. In many cases, people are more likely to buy cannabis oil when they experience symptoms like pain from late-stage glaucoma as opposed to regulating their intraocular pressure. Definitely consult with an ophthalmologist before consuming cannabis if you have glaucoma.

Cannabis Oil for HIV or AIDS

Even two decades ago, cannabis buyers’ clubs were in demand among people seeking relief for symptoms of AIDS. This report includes a discussion of an HIV-positive patient who, “claimed that marijuana calmed his stomach after taking medication, stimulated his appetite, eased his pain, and lifted his mood.”

Cannabis Oil for Cachexia

Cachexia is a condition that causes muscle wasting in conjunction with extreme or undesired weight loss. It often presents as a symptom of other chronic conditions like cancer, HIV, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, or Crohn’s disease. The potential benefits of cannabis for appetite stimulation are well documented.

What to Look for When Buying Cannabis Oil

There are multiple things to think about when buying cannabis oils. Here at Options Medical Center, we pay special attention to all of the following:

  1. Trustworthiness – One of the most important things is to buy from a company that’s known for producing pure cannabis products.  Here at Options, we only work with companies that are among the best in the state at what they do.
  2. Source Material – Just as different cannabis strains have different properties, the strain used to make a concentrate affects the finished product.  Material for our in-house “Potions” distillate cartridge line is sourced 100% from our own grows.
  3. Oil Type – Depending on how you want to enjoy your oil, it is important to make sure you are getting the right kind.  Different types to extract oil include CO2, hydrocarbon, ethanol, distillation, and so on.
  4. Extraction Method – Distillate oil is in high demand in the industry right now due to the process of making it.  It takes oil derived by other methods and runs it through another distillation process to remove excess fats, lipids, terpenes, and other unnecessary compounds, leaving pure THC oil that can test upwards of 99%.  We do this for our Potions brand cartridges and after we have our oil, we cut it with strain-specific terpenes that were solventlessly extracted to ensure that our customers get the highest quality product.
  5. Testing – Simply put, some companies sell low-quality cannabis oil. Make sure you’re buying one that has been carefully tested and labeled with accurate information.

Go with the Leaders in Cannabis Dispensaries in Boulder and Wheat Ridge, Options Medical Center Today!

If cannabis oils appeal to you, find them at Options Medical Center in either Wheat Ridge or Boulder. Our dispensary menu in Boulder is for recreational customers who are at least 21 years of age. The Wheat Ridge dispensary serves both medical marijuana patients and recreational cannabis consumers. Contact a member of our knowledgeable staff to learn more about all of your options, or order cannabis online for the most convenient experience possible. We look forward to serving you as you explore cannabis essential oils today.

There are a lot of different cannabis product types on the market because as we all know, luckily, there is more than one way to consume cannabis. The cannabis product type you may most enjoy may be a type that your best friend or loved one doesn’t like best. When you’re new to cannabis, it’s daunting at times to know where to start when it comes to choosing the best product type for you. The good news: We are here to help! Below, we walk you through the different types of cannabis products to choose from.

Flower Strains

One of the great things about cannabis is that every plant is different. Each cannabis flower will have its own unique organic chemistry depending on how it was grown and especially which strain it is. Every cannabis strain has its own taste, scent, and effects. While no two strains are alike, people generally discuss them by categorizing them as either an indica, sativa, or hybrid.

If the information above doesn’t help give you a better idea of which type of cannabis appeals to you most, we invite you to talk to one of our experienced budtenders about the type of experience you’re looking for. Here at Options Medical Center, we offer some of the best cannabis strains in Colorado. We’ll be happy to help you find the one for you.


Just like cannabis flower itself, edibles can have different effects depending on the cannabis strain used to make them. Cannabis edibles are a popular choice for many different reasons. Some people don’t like the idea of smoking anything or inhaling vapor for health reasons, so they prefer to eat their cannabis. Furthermore, cannabis edibles taste delicious and are fun to eat. They come in a variety of flavors and textures, which makes it easier to find something that appeals to each individual consumer and their preferences.

Here at Options Medical Center, we source the best cannabis edibles in Colorado by working with only the most trusted companies. When you look for edibles on our dispensary menu, you’ll see brands like the following:


Some experts believe that cannabis concentrates will become even more popular than traditional cannabis flower within the next few years. The reason for this is that cannabis concentrates offer such an exceptionally high THC concentration that can’t be found even in the best cannabis flower. Cannabis concentrates come in many forms like wax, shatter, budder, live resin, and distillates. Since they come in so many different forms, they can be enjoyed in multiple ways, especially in vapes and by dabbing.

Like with everything else we sell, we only offer cannabis concentrates from the most respected cannabis brands in Colorado. Our concentrates are of the highest quality, which means they have high levels of THC, excellent taste, and superior purity. When we sell cannabis concentrates, we don’t want those products to include additives or potentially harmful chemicals. As such, when you buy cannabis concentrates from Options Medical Center, you can rest assured that you’re only receiving a pure extraction from fresh, natural cannabis flower. 

We competed in last year’s Rooster 710 Cup, and the results speak volumes about the quality of our concentrates. Nomad and Concentrate Supply Co. processed our flower to create premium products that delighted the judges. We were proud to receive both first and second place in the shatter category. Additionally, we received the second place prize in the wax category.

You can find cannabis concentrates from brands like the following when you look at our dispensary menu:


Cannabis topicals are popular among people who want to localize their experience of cannabis. In other words, these products give you a way to focus the effects of cannabis on one specific part of your body as desired. If you don’t want to feel full-body effects or a head high to apply cannabis to your knee, back, or hands, cannabis topicals may be the product you’re looking for. 

Both of our cannabis dispensaries in Colorado offer options from some of the leading cannabis topical brands like Escape Artists. Escape Artists was founded by scientists with backgrounds in the food and pharmaceuticals industries. They have prior experience making products to relieve pain, stress, and muscle tensions. Their expertise should inspire the highest level of confidence in their products.

Get Cannabis You Can Trust at Options Medical

At Options Medical not only do we have our own grow but we also only work with the best cannabis producers in Colorado. At either our Wheat Ridge or Boulder location, we offer a wide variety of strains that feature some of the best names from across the nation. We introduced our very own flower back in 2012, and continue to make progress with expanded growing facilities and new innovations every day. Our growers know just how to dry and trim our products to preserve the appearance and strength of the flower. As a result, we offer quality that can’t be beaten at a price no one else can compete with. Still unsure of what to choose? The best option after reading to come into our dispensary and get help from our expert budtenders. We’re here to help you have the best cannabis experience. 


There are countless different strains of cannabis, which is great for people who appreciate the versatility of this plant. Some strains are associated with feelings of deep relaxation, while others are typically considered to be more uplifting. When you’re in the mood to create art, or pursue other creative endeavors, you may find a cerebral strain more appealing. We almost always recommend a sativa strain in those cases.

Best Sativa Strains

Sativas almost always make the best weed strains for creativity. They’re known for inspiring a rush of thoughts, which is extremely helpful for many people who are trying to push the limits of their minds. People from artists to mathematicians have looked to cannabis as a way to remove mental blocks, and pull themselves out of a funk if they’ve been feeling stuck in a creative rut. Here are just a few of our favorite sativa strains for when we want to feel more inspired.

Grapefruit Sour Diesel

Grapefruit Sour Diesel is an invigorating strain and known for its namesake aroma that fills the room. It is a delightful hybrid strain with some of the most pungent scent profiles of any strain. These flowers smell like sweet, freshly cut grapefruit with undertones of fuel.

It’s associated with effects so cerebral that some people describe the experience as being almost dreamlike. It’s been reported to give most adult-use and medical patients a focused mental high. It’s also a common choice for medical patients who have stress, depression, or physical pain, and addressing those things can further help kick off the creative process.

Super Silver Haze

If you haven’t heard of Super Silver Haze yet, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it as soon as you get a chance. It won the High Times Cannabis Cup for three straight years in 1997, 1998, and 1999. It gets its legendary genetics from other world-renowned strains like Haze, Skunk, and Northern Lights. The result is a bud that’s associated with uplifting effects and bursts of energy that last for a long time. People often say that they feel just the right level of creativity after Super Silver Haze and that they’re still focused enough to put that creativity to work.

Tangerine Haze

While Tangerine Haze is technically a hybrid strain, it’s very much sativa-dominant and definitely qualifies for this list. It was created in the Netherlands by crossing G13 Haze with NYC Diesel, and fortunately for us, this strain has made its way back to Colorado. The strain got its name because of the delightful citrus scent and aroma, but its effects have played just as big of a role in helping to popularize this strain. People who are looking for a good daytime strain of cannabis often choose Tangerine Haze, and it’s known for producing productive, stimulating, cerebral experiences.

Sativa Edibles

Though you might not find some edibles that are made with certain strains you can definitely find sativa-dominant edibles at your favorite Colorado dispensaries. Since edibles are known for lasting much longer, this is an option if you’re planning to undertake a long creative session. No need to worry about taking breaks from your work or play due to loss of focus or inspiration.

Best Marijuana Strains in Colorado

Here at Options Medical Center, we take great pride in our wide selection of cannabis strains. We work with the best growers in the state of Colorado to ensure that our customers always have access to premium Sativa strains for creativity. With locations in both Wheat Ridge and Boulder, we’re working hard to make a name for ourselves as Colorado’s best dispensary. Come visit us today to find your strain!

Because there are so many different strains of cannabis, this plant allows consumers to experience a wide range of effects depending on the strain they select. Some strains are associated with deep feelings of relaxation, while others are known for creating a more euphoric effect. If you’re always looking for the most euphoric strain, there are a few options that we’d recommend for you. Check the list below if you’re always interested in finding a more euphoric high.

Order Online Wheat Ridge Rec

Order Online Boulder Rec

Blue Headband

Our blue headband is a mostly balanced hybrid that offers up a complex smell of gas, spices, and berries. Customers normally report feeling a cerebral rush from this strain, but it’s also accompanied by a relaxed feeling of calm that extends through the entire body. It’s mellow enough that it doesn’t make most people feel anxious, but it packs enough of a sativa punch that it can inspire bursts of energy and generally uplifted feelings.

White Diesel

White Diesel takes some of the best genetics from White Widow and NYC Diesel, and the result is a Sativa-dominant hybrid strain that has a reputation for promoting euphoric highs. This strain definitely inspires some feelings of physical relaxation, but it’s most known for being associated with cerebral effects. It’s a popular choice for medical patients who have anxiety or depression, which also makes it a good fit for recreational customers who are looking for an uplifting experience. Many of our customers say this is one of their favorite daytime strains because it keeps them feeling both creative and focused.


Triangle is also commonly referred to as The White because it’s coated in such a dense layer of shiny trichomes. This crystal-heavy bud is renowned for creating a balanced high that affects the body and mind just about equally. It doesn’t have an especially strong taste or smell compared to other premium cannabis strains, but it more than makes up for the lack of flavor with its high THC content and euphoric effects.

Tangerine Haze

Tangerine Haze is known for its citrusy aroma as well as for producing happy, uplifted, and euphoric events. People often report that they feel the stress melt away and be replaced with energy not long after the zesty taste has cleared their lips. It’s been getting increasingly popular in Colorado in recent years, and it’s easy to see why because the cerebral effects are so appealing. Since it’s so stimulating, many people like to enjoy this strain during the day and report that they’re still able to achieve everything they want to get done.

Chem Dawg #4

This is one of our favorites from this entire line of premium cannabis strains. Chem Dawg #4 is one of the most relaxing strains on this list, which makes it interesting. It’s an appealing choice for people who are interested in a soothing experience and a euphoric high at the same time. There are some feelings of uplifted creativity, but they generally give way to a contented state. Try this one if you’re looking for an evening session.

Best Cannabis Strains for Euphoria in Colorado

Our budtenders at Options Medical Center look forward to helping you find the right strain for a euphoric high. We work with the best cultivators in Colorado to source our cannabis strains, and we’re very familiar with everything we sell. Stop by to visit us in either Wheat Ridge or Boulder, and we’ll be happy to help you explore all of the options.

Anybody who shops at our Wheat Ridge Dispensary from now until close of business Friday, August 17th, 2019 will receive 1 entry into a raffle for 2 VIP backstage passes at the Saturday Night Red Rocks Show. *limit 1 per day*


Meet Miles and Kyle of Slightly Stoopid August 19th from 11 am to 1 pm at Options Medical and Recreational Center in Wheat Ridge!

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Fighting the battle to get a good night’s sleep can be exhausting in more ways than one. If you’re one of the millions of individuals dealing with sleepless nights, you’ve likely spent a considerable amount of time and effort searching for effective remedies to help you relax and sleep. And now, a growing number of consumers have reported that they’ve discovered what they believe is their key to a good night’s sleep: cannabis.

Finding the Best Cannabis Strains for Sleep

Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis consumer or new to the world of marijuana, the massive variety of cannabis strains available can easily become overwhelming. When you’re searching for the best cannabis strain for sleep, it’s important to understand that the strain, form, and cannabinoid content can have a major effect on your experience. 

By keeping a few key factors in mind, you can select an option that’s suited to your desired effects and personal preferences. Here is what you need to know about choosing a nighttime cannabis strain that aligns with your unique wants and needs.

THC and CBD may affect your sleep differently

One of the first things you learn as a cannabis consumer is that there are many different strains, and they are generally characterized by their cannabinoid content. THC and CBD are the two cannabinoids you’ll see referenced most frequently, and each one can play a markedly different role in helping you reach your sleep goals. 

Many individuals report that they prefer high-CBD strains for sleep, and a scientific survey found that about two-thirds of participants felt that CBD supported their improved sleep quality. But on the other end of the spectrum, some animal model studies made connections between CBD and increased alertness. 

So, what does this mean? Ultimately, the strain that’s well-matched to your preferences is a completely personal choice. You may consider starting with high-CBD strains, then transitioning to higher-THC options if you don’t feel that your sleeplessness improves. If you aren’t sure where to begin, our budtenders are always happy to help.

Consider edibles as your cannabis form of choice

For individuals hoping to switch up their bedtime routine with the addition of cannabis, edibles are becoming an increasingly popular choice. Most people report that the experience of consuming edibles is different than enjoying other forms of cannabis, including smoking or vaping. 

Recent studies have found that the effects of edibles may last between six and eight hours, and others state that effects generally kick in about 30 to 60 minutes after consumption. When you do the math, it makes sense that so many people say that cannabis edibles are a good match for their journey to better sleep.

Be open to experimenting with various strains

Everyone experiences cannabis differently, and it’s virtually impossible to predict exactly what to expect from a given strain. Your friend’s favorite strain for nighttime might end up being one that you dislike. For this reason, it’s very important that you remain open to trying various strains, using trial and error to determine one that fits your personal preferences. Our budtenders are here to help you weigh your options and land on the strain that’s ideal for you personally.

What are the Best Strains for Sleep?

It’s true that everyone’s idea of the perfect strain for sleep can vary considerably, but there are a handful of options that seem to be recommended more often than others. Here are some of the cannabis strains that our customers report loving for a good night’s sleep:

Star Killer

A popular go-to for people interested in relaxation, Star Killer is one of our customers’ first choice.

GG #4

Also known as Gorilla Glue, GG #4 is reported by many consumers to support pleasant sleepiness. 

Chem Penny

This high-CBD strain is another that we often hear our customers describe as a sleep-friendly fan favorite, and could be one to try if you prefer a CBD-centric experience.

Orange Juice Kush

Although the name of this strain might make you think of breakfast time, it’s actually one that’s commonly enjoyed before bed. Numerous customers have reported that Orange Juice Kush helps them feel calm and relaxed, so it’s understandable that they like it for evening use.

Find Top Strains for Insomnia at Options Cannabis Company

At our cannabis dispensaries in Boulder and Wheat Ridge, Options Cannabis Company offers a wide range of cannabis strains to choose from. Our dispensary menu features a diverse selection of strains, making it easy to shop for one that fulfills your individual goals. Our friendly, experienced budtenders are passionate about supporting customers in their cannabis journeys and are always here to help you choose your best-fit cannabis strains, edibles, or concentrates for sleep.

Browse our Boulder and Wheat Ridge dispensary menus online, or stop by to shop in person.

Many people love cannabis for its ability to help them feel less anxious, but there are also times people feel even more anxiety while on cannabis. How could that be? It’s been one of the most interesting mysteries in cannabis lore, and Canadian researchers have set out to solve it. Their study, published in late 2018, has provided some insights about why some strains are better than others for people with anxiety.

The Neuroscience Behind Cannabis and Anxiety

The team of Canadian neuroscientists took an ambitious step toward explaining why some strains affect us differently than others. To start, they partnered with a single dispensary and surveyed over 400 of their patients about their experiences with different strains. In addition to their surveys, they conducted multiple lab experiments on the different strains to get a closer look at their chemical composition.

Survey participants rated the strains on a scale from one to ten, saying how effective each one was at making them feel less anxious. The researchers compiled all of this data, then compared it to the lab results for the different strains. They were able to identify some patterns involving terpenes found in some of the most and least effective strains.

What Are Terpenes?

Terpenes are some of the organic compounds found in plants (in this case, cannabis). Each is associated with its own flavor, smell, and helps give the plant its specific aroma. To put it simply, you might compare them to the essential oils of a plant. This is relevant to the cannabis industry because of a phenomenon some people call the entourage effect.

The entourage effect is a theory that the terpenes in cannabis change the way the body processes THC and CBD. That’s a possible explanation for how two strains with the same levels of THC and CBD can hit people differently. In other words, terpenes may play a key role in how the active ingredients in cannabis make a person feel.

Best Terpenes for Reducing Anxiety

According to the study, strains with high THC levels and lots of the terpene trans-nerolidol were best for addressing anxiety. Some of the best strains also had their roots in a Central Asian kush landrace, giving them high levels of caryophyllene and limonene. Trans-nerolidol is also found in lemongrass, jasmine, and tea tree, so look for strains with fruity, floral aromas.

This study also exposed some trends about which terpenes may not be quite as good for people with anxiety. The study doesn’t prove that these are necessarily the worst terpenes for anxiety, but they might be worth watching for:

How to Find the Best Strain for Anxiety

Though the study mentioned is a great advancement in the right direction for the cannabis community, the scientists themselves caution that more research is necessary. One of the original neuroscientists from this study has said that since everyone is different, people would be best suited to try different strains until they discover which one is best for them.

Best Reported Cannabis Strains for Anxiety in Boulder and Wheat Ridge

We at Options Cannabis Company have a full dispensary menu with diverse flower offerings, and our experienced budtenders have some of the best product knowledge in the industry. Stop in to chat with us about the specific terpene profiles of our different strains and learn more about which ones have been best for our customers with anxiety. In the meantime, you can also contact us online with any questions.

Options took home the Following Awards from the 710 Showdown

710 Badge 2nd Options

Expansion Grow

All of the Flower came from the first round of our expansion grow that we just finished building
out.  Lights used were BLI 315w CDL's with LED attachments around the outer edges to give as
wide of a light spectrum to the plants as possible. Every strain in the grow is a new strain that we
popped by seed to ensure that the plants are as healthy as possible.  Some were strains created by
our head grower (he created the 3 winning concentrate ones) and some were strains purchased
from other breeders in Colorado.  The next round of flower from this grow should be hitting our
stores very soon. Visit Options to try our award-winning Shatter, Wax and Disposable Vapes!

Wheat Ridge Location
9085 W. 44th Street,
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Call: 720-242-9452

Recreational Hours:
Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 9:30 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 8:30 PM
Sunday: 10 AM - 7:30 PM

Legal Disclaimer


Welcome to Options Cannabis Co.! We're thrilled to serve you in Colorado, where cannabis consumption is legal at the state level for adults aged 21 and over; however, local regulations may vary. Cities, counties, schools, universities, and employers may have their own rules and consequences regarding cannabis use. Familiarize yourself with the specific laws in your area before making any purchases or consuming cannabis products. Check how marijuana laws differ in each county before you partake.

Medical Disclaimer

At Options Cannabis Co., we prioritize the well-being of our customers. It's important to note that the information provided on our website is intended solely for educational purposes and cannot substitute for professional medical advice. We advise users to seek medical advice, diagnoses, and treatments from a qualified medical professional regarding any health concerns or questions about cannabis use.

Risk Disclaimer

The use of cannabis, like any substance, carries potential risks. These risks may include impaired coordination, cognitive effects, and altered perception, which could affect your ability to drive or operate machinery safely. Additionally, cannabis use may have adverse effects on individuals with certain medical conditions or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. We advise all customers to exercise caution and moderation when consuming cannabis products and to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying health concerns or are taking medications that may interact with cannabis.